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  • Studio LOOS 20B De Constant Rebecqueplein Den Haag, ZH, 2518 RA Netherlands (map)

On 6 September, After Hours kicks off big with LOOS, an innovative performers' lab that uses both conventional instruments and state-of-the-art technology

Using sound art as a starting point, LOOS founder and director Dr. Peter van Bergen put together a programme bringing together established makers, young talent and pioneers from the past. With performances by Gilius van Bergeijk, Huib Emmer, and Baidar Al-Basri, among others, installations by Johan van Kreij and Emi Martin, a film by Isabella and Sarah Wentink, and finally a crossover with hip-hop: "QUARTET II invites PINK OCULUS". And all this between sculptures by Sarah Lucas, Steve McQueen and Ai Weiwei, among others, from the exhibition If not now, when?

Museum Beelden aan Zee brings a breath of fresh air to the new cultural season with After Hours, which kicks off on Friday 6 September. This innovative evening programme introduces sculpture to new audiences by partnering with organisations from different art disciplines in The Hague. The new programming, made possible by the Friends Lottery, serves as a catalyst for up-and-coming talent from The Hague.

Different senses will be stimulated, including sound art, theatre, foodscapes, modern dance, R&B and light art among the sculptures. The first three nights of After Hours will be provided by: LOOS (6 September), Orisun Studio (4 October) and The Grey Space in the Middle (1 November).

evening program


18:00 - 22:00

Johan van Kreij "Spatiofoon - Sound art objects” 

Location: Zuidzaal of Terras

18:00 - 22:00

Isabella & Sarah Wentink “Victor Wentink: Life” A research on our father’s work” en Discours

Location: Cinema

18:00 - 22:00

Emi Martin “murmuring rocks - a ceramics / sound installation”

Location: Zeezaal

18:00 - 22:00

Peter van Bergen (concept onderzoek) & Johan van Kreij (software) “IOM-AIM Research Interactive Feedback Installation for 8.1 speaker system and artificial improvisers”

Location: Grote Zaal 1 & 2


18:10 – 18:30

Nirantar Yakthumba (composer) Introduction to research "Sonic Geometry" and the composition “छिन्नमस्ता (Chhinnamastā)”

dice, pink noise, fractals, and rare tunings

Location: Grote Zaal 2

18:30 – 18:40

IOM-AIM Research

Location: Grote Zaal 1 & 2

18:40 – 19:00

Lucie Nezri (composer, piano) & Nirantar Yakthumba (zither) “for siblings (tempered)” a piece for piano and/or plucked string instruments 

Location: Grote Zaal 2

19:00 – 19:15

IOM-AIM Research 

Location: Grote Zaal 1 & 2

19:15 – 19:30

Marie Guilleray (solo voice) Electronic resonances in the acoustic voice

performances of compositions by Berio, Asperghis, Monarch  

Location: Grote Zaal 2

19:30 – 19:45

Farzaneh Nouri (computer) “Tadā’ee   تداعی“

Location: Grote Zaal 2

19:45 – 20:05

Baidar Al-Basri (voice solo) Baidar Al-Basri sings the music of Hamid Al-Basri

Interactive Gestural Arabic Songs, works by for solo-voice + interactive electronics

Location: Grote Zaal 2

20:05 – 20:15

IOM-AIM - Research

Location: Grote Zaal 1 & 2

20:15 – 20:40

Huib Emmer (electronic live performance) “Misery Beach”

new electronic work for two groups of speakers

Location: Grote Zaal 2

20:45 – 21:05

Gilius van Bergeijk (compositie, electronica) & Reinier van Houdt (grand piano) ELEMENTEN (2024): 4 delen, AARDE, WATER, VUUR, LUCHT, die zonder onderbreking in elkaar over gaan

21:05 – 21:15

IOM-AIM - Research

Location: Grote Zaal 1 & 2

21:15 – 22:00

QUARTET II invites PINK OCULUS” with Pink Oculus (voice, compositions), Ike van Bergen (keys, grand piano), Aditya Sardjono (electric bass), Nadesh Ligthart (drums), Peter van Bergen (horns, electronics)

Hip-Hop, R&B and Jazz concert with performances of works by Pink Oculus from her albums Delicious and Before Wisdom

Location: Grote Zaal 2

more about the performances

Spatiofoon - Sound Art Objects by Johan van Kreij

The sound installation Spatiofoon is created from a network of small electronic objects that produce sounding patterns and thus articulate spatial properties in a musical sense. Spatiofoon is inspired by the ideofoon series created by Dick Raaijmakers.


“Victor Wentink: Life” - A research on our father’s work by Sarah & Isabella Wentink

In 2023 we started researching the various works of our father: avant-garde artist, composer, philosopher, writer, poet, engineer and inventor of the first social network in the world Victor Wentink. We wanted to research the social implications and crucial intersections of his work that cross boundaries and illuminate new ways of seeing technology/society.

As a philosopher & engineer we adhere to our father’s vision of ARTEC, the idea that an integral relationship has always existed between art and technology. This is what we tried to decipher in our documentary: how, from an ontological perspective, his work illuminates new horizons of understanding, new compositions and technology which help us grasp the complexity of our daily digital lives. How can we make sense, from a philosophical position, of his vast work that is at the brink of a new age of social networks. Not from a commercial perspective, but from an existential one that helps us take back, politically, our rights and humanity online. His work is both existential, artistic but foremost political.


for siblings (tempered) by Lucie Nezri (composer, piano) and Nirantar Yukthumba (zither)

for siblings (tempered) is a piece for piano and/or plucked string instruments. for siblings (tempered) is the first result of a long-term research revolving around Maghrebin-Andalusian classical music. One aim of this research was to loosely integrate tuning systems, modes, as well as melodic and rhythmic patterns of Maghrebin-Andalusian music into my compositions. Lucie’s standpoint stems from a deeply personal yet rootless and rather abstract perspective. As a result, the composition for siblings (tempered) ended up being both tied to yet distant from its original source of inspiration.


Electronic Resonances in the Accoustic Voice by Marie Guilleray

Can electronic manipulations and machines influence works for the acoustic voice?

This is what Marie shall attempt to demonstrate by presenting three short pieces of contemporary music for solo voice:

  • Sequenza III by Luciano Berio (1965)

  • Recitations 11 by Georges Aperghis (1977-1978)

  • Analysis 78-3 by Greta Monach (1978)


Misery Beach by Huib Emmer

Misery Beach is an electronic live performance. There are two groups of speakers in the hall, from group 1 you mainly hear pulses and beats, from group 2 strange thin sounds with surrealistic objects.

During the performance, these elements are confronted with each other and all kinds of connections arise. The whole thing is sometimes reminiscent of Yves Tanguy's paintings.


ELEMENTS (2024) by Gilius van Bergeijk, performed by Reinier van Houdt, Gilius van Bergeijk

(4 parts: EARTH, WATER, FIRE, AIR, merge without interruption).

The four elements earth, water, fire and air were first formulated by the Greek philosopher Empedocles formulated as the basis for all existing substances. Today, they are mainly known through the work of medieval alchemists. But they also have symbolic significance: earth and fire are used in funeral rites while water and air are the main conditions for life. Life and Death, in other words.



with Pink Oculus (voice, compositions), Ike van Bergen (keys, grand piano), Aditya Sardjono (electric bass), Nadesh Ligthart (drums), Peter van Bergen (horns, electronics) Hip-Hop, R&B and Jazz concert with performances of works by Pink Oculus from her albums Delicious and Before Wisdom. Pink Oculus' music has been called “Uncompromising” and “Raw stuff of the highest artistic value” by music magazine OOR. Comparably, the music of LOOS has been described in the international press. This concert combines the outspoken compositions of Dutch singer-songwriter, rapper, producer and actress Pink Oculus with solo contributions, arrangements and interludes by a specially assembled quartet with different musical backgrounds, from hip-hop, R&B, funk, (free) jazz and contemporary classical. QUARTET II is a new 2024 project by Ike and Peter van Bergen following QUARTET I with Wilbert de Joode and Giacomo Camiletti with compositions by Andrew Hill, Pete LaRoca and Carla Bley.

September 4

13 - 18 repetitie HUIB EMMER

September 8

18:00 - 21:00 LUCIE NEZRI artistic research