éphémère 2011
Below are the éphémère 2011 concert series.

éphémère #13
Keir Neuringer- solo saxophone
Fani Konstantinidou – electronic pieces
Lars Kynde/Nikolaj Kynde – new instrument
Jeroen Uyttendael /Dewi De Vree – audiovisual performance
Ji Youn Kang/Mei Yi Lee/Marie Guilleray – electronics percussions voice

éphémère #11
Wen Chin Fu / Mei-Yi Lee / Nanda Milbreta
Morales Murguia / Goska Isphording

éphémère #10
Aviva Endean (AU) clarinetist/bass-clarinetist: new music
Jan Trutzschler von Falkenstein (DE): electronic solo
Lemuriformes: improvisations with electronics and ink

éphémère #9
Torque, a harp and electronics piece by Hugo Morales Murguia performed by Milana Zaric (for harp and pedal-propelled DC motors)

éphémère #6
Minus 2 Teodora Stepancic, piano & objects Corne Roos, bass instruments
Los compadres
Michael Chinen

éphémère #5
Dafne Vicente-Sandoval, bassoon / Xavier Lopez, laptop
Alexander Bruck, viola / Gabriel Paiuk, piano
Bjarni Gunnarsson, electronics / Jaike Stambach, guitar

éphémère #4
Yolanda Uriz & Ángel Faraldo: Dislocated Frames Music Composition and Live Electronics: Ángel Faraldo Scenography, Videos and Flute: Yolanda Uriz
“Schithol Plaza And The City Idiot” by Sumo3