The Interactive Interdisciplinary Improvisational Orchestral Machine (IOM) - Artificial Improvisation Machine (AIM) is an artistic research project by Peter van Bergen (PhD candidate at the Brussels Conservatory / Vrije Universiteit Brussel) being developed in collaboration with software programmer Johan van Kreij.
Research into and development of IOM have been made financially possible through a two-year research grant from NFPK +, a work grant from the FPK and the municipality of The Hague.
The pursuit of IOM-AIM is the design and realization of an interactive improvisation machine, an "orchestra" consisting of human improvisers in combination with computers, speakers, beamers, microphones, sensors and cameras. In IOM-AIM, people and computers improvise musically, interactively, and simultaneously in complex networks. Unstable aspects of improvisation concepts are being investigated for possibilities to transform them into interactive interdisciplinary set-ups. The human improvisers enter into a live dialogue with a multimedia autonomous improvisation machine consisting of computers, 4-18 speakers, cameras, sonar sensors, microphones and images and sounds that play a role in the performance live via the internet. In IOM, all parts of the ensemble communicate with each other on an independent basis. The audience is also involved as “data input” in this musical adventure.
• granular synthesis
• generative algorithmic models
• hyperinstruments
• the art of memory
• exploring the space
• iCOT (interactive Cathedral of Thorns)
• transforming the space
Participating artists:
Peter van Bergen (concept, compositions, wind instruments), Johan van Kreij (software programming, sound engineering) Jan Trützschler von Falkenstein, Darien Brito, Nikolaj Kynde, Giuliano Anzani, Anna Chocholi (software programming), Gabriele Hultsch (design), Herman van Bergen (visual arts), Hans Vaders (poems), David Kweksilber Big Band (28 individual artists), Remake of the Scratch Orchestra (10 individual artists), 30 x various musicians, Evan Parker, Petra Dolleman, Wim T Schippers, Paul Koek.
Videos are available on Vimeo here.

"iCOT+" Evan Parker + IOM-AIM Research
“iCOT+” is a next step in IOM-AIM Research (Peter van Bergen & Johan van Kreij). IOM-AIM researches improvisation as an art of instability in human computer interaction (HCI). “iCOT+” is a complex, multilayered composition in which various behaviours, choices and processes influence each other like in a web: (1) automatic algorithmic sound generating processes (Johan van Kreij), (2) compositional seeds (Peter van Bergen), partly genetically based on tone patterns substracted from Evan Parker’s solo soprano saxophone performances, (3) data coming in from four sensors measuring audience activity (the audience). Together they feed and form a 16.2 artificial choir that starts a dialogue with the live acoustic performance of Evan Parker on a soprano saxophone.
“iCOT+” is dedicated to Evan Parker, the titel comes from the Cathedral of Thorns, a community work of art on Curacao that will be officially opened on February 20, 2020. IOM-AIM Research will then provide the Cathedral with its own, interactive artificial singing choir based on data collected by sensors. The Cathedral of Thorns is a community work of art in the making on the grounds of the monumental Bloemhof mansion on Curaçao. It is a labyrinth of 20 by 20 by 10 meters that, in addition to its aesthetic value, has a clear message. The artwork confronts visitors with black pages from the past and the present, offers room for reflection and is tangible proof that people are capable of great achievements through collaboration.
The labyrinth is made from the thorns (sumpinas) of the acacia tortuosa (wabi), a shrub that is abundant in Curaçao and is mainly experienced as weeds. Herman van Bergen , creator of the Cathedral, considers the thorns as a means of nature to defend against large-scale deforestation and pollution, one of the black chapters mentioned. By emphasizing their beauty, including through the internal lighting of the walls, an environmentally friendly, sustainable ode is brought to nature.

“Grains” is the newest result of the interdisciplinary IOM-AIM Research of Studio LOOS The Hague.
IOM-AIM Research is a practice based artistic research of composer/performer Peter van Bergen as a PhD candidate at the VUB - Free University Brussels in cooperation with software programmer/performer/improvisor Johan van Kreij.
Since 2014 the research has resulted in an extended series of elusive performances and installations with audience participation, performance art, visuals, electro(acoustic) composition and improvisation.
“Grains” is a new work for a human Saxophone Quartet (TUMB, another artistic research project of Studio Loos), artificial Saxophone Quartet (IOM-AIM) and audience participation.
The title already indicates the main subject of the piece: the smallest particles of sound taken from the TUMB saxophonists will be the grains for a performance in which the audience is actively composing new structures together with the artificial IOM-AIM saxophonists within the environment of and as multilayers on composition 01100110011000110110110100101110001100010010101100110010.
TUMB musicians: Peter van Bergen, David Kweksilber, Leo van Oostrom, Michiel van Dijk.
TUMB (since 1995) is a production of the LOOS Foundation.
The first performance of “GRAINS” was during the program “Spot on David Kweksilber” at the BIMhuis on Saturday March 16, 2019, time: 20:30.