wonderwerp 2016
Below are the concert series Wonderwerp in 2016.

Wonderwerp #73
HolzKopf (Ca)
Bartosz Ignacy Wrona (Pl)
Alexander Zaklynsky (IS,UA) & Nick McMullan (NZ)

Wonderwerp #69
Dan Gibson – Modular synth & feedback system
Dan Gibson is a musician and sound artist. His work aims to explore the sonic subtlety, textural nuance and dynamic intensity found in the acoustic environments and natural soundscapes through the embodied practise of playing and building investigative hardware and software instruments. He also plays and records under the pseudonym noisesinthenight, the name chosen to evoke the acousmatic qualities of listening at night in which the sound sources are unknown and a sense of quietude exposes previously unheard sonic activity. The music works through electronic decoupling of sound from its source, manipulating the associative qualities of sound and intertwining traces of disparate events.
His performance will combine various acoustic and digital feedback processes to explore the sonic potential of physical objects. The resonant properties of these objects are used to build structures within the music whilst the digital processes help to reveal new qualities and responses from the objects.
Pollution presents “Blu Pollution”
Tiziano Teodori is an historical flutist and electronic experimenter based in The Hague. He’s studying early music at the Royal Conservatoire together following courses of the Sonology department. He is interested on historical languages and performances on period instruments, collaborating with different orchestras and ensembles in Nederlands and Italy. At the same time working with several composers with the modern flute he explores a wide range of contemporary music and sound experimentation. As experimenter Tiziano is focused on both concrete music techniques and more abstract forms of compositions like the interactions between electronics, devices and acoustic instruments as well as chaotic analog systems, caring about musical concepts such as dualisms, anarchic coexistence of sounds, and paradoxes. Together with Andrea Cauduro he released his first album cold “Blu Pollution”, a fusion of styles and techniques such as live guitar processing, fast beats, abstract sounds, glitches, noises and free improvisations.
Andrea Cauduro is a musician based in Rome. He studied classical guitar at the Conservatory of L’Aquila, and now he’s ending a Master Degree focused on the contemporary and avant-garde guitar repertoire. He is interested in radical free improvisation, after playing with Mats Gustaffson after a workshop in Flix (Spain) at the Sirga Festival. He composes music for theatre, manipulating voices in real time and using field recording, beside realizing more conventional music for 20s mute film like Murnau’s Nosferatu. Andrea plays in various bands of the Rome underground, putting his guitar style into punk, rock or folk music, giving to his noisy guitar a “pop” taste. Cauduro released a solo album cold “Taste” using fields recording, various objects and his personal vision of the guitar in which he researches a meditative and reflective dimension; he explores space and suggestions, developing compositional forms aimed at a fluidity due to taste for free improvisation.
“Check “Blu Pollution” on bandcamp
Ensemble of Terror
Ensemble of Terror is an Electro Acoustic duo comprised of sound artist Amir Bolzman, and drummer Ariel Armoni. The duo plays improvised rhythmic/non rhythmic noise music.
Amir Bolzman
Musician, Sound artist and instrument builder based in Den Haag, Netherlands. Born in Brazil, 1985. Graduated with honours at The Naggar School in Musrara, Jerusalem, July, 2010 and from The royal conservatory of The Hague at 2015. He is highly involved and local underground musical scene of Jerusalem collaborating with various of labels and institutes such as : Mamuta art & media center, RaashHour Radio, Barbur gallery, Jerusalem season of culture and with the label/art collective No Coast Productions were he produced and released albums for local artist.
For the past five years he is involved in the improvised music scene is Israel and Netherlands, playing solo acts and collaborating with various musicians from jazz to harsh noise. He is currently studying at the Sonolgy institute in the Royal conservatory of Den Haag were he is researching the connection between improvised music and self build digital instruments. He is proud member of the Villa K Stichting centrum art collective.
Ariel Armoni
Born in 1983 in Israel. started playing drums at the age of 14. After graduating “Alon high school for art” at the jazz department, he immediately started to to play with various musicians in Tel Aviv. beside playing with Indie, avant garde, and Free Jazz groups (Daniel Sarid, Assif Tzahar etc) he worked as a studio and stage drummer with some of the lead pop singers in Israel ( Efrat Gosh, Yonni Bloch. In 2008 he moved to Berlin, there he founded MrMostash and worked with several local groups . in the same time he played and produced the avant garde Israeli band Pissuk Rachav, that was signed in John Zorns label, Tzadik. the second album of the band, Fogel and the Sheriffs, was recorded in Berlin and released in Tzadik at 2010. In 2015 Ariel greduated the Bezazel art academy.
Jukka Hautamäki
Sound and media artist Jukka Hautamäki (b. 1971 Oulu) lives and works in Helsinki, Finland. Hautamäki works with found materials, electronics, sound, light and video.
Hautamäki’s live setup consists mainly of diy sound devices, which he manipulates in real time by changing components and reconnecting circuits. He experiments with elements such as under-hood work lights, electromagnetic sources, coil mics, diy amps and radio waves. Hautamäki will adress the concept of “forced” improvisation: his intentional challenge of using difficult interfaces, and turning chaos and trash-aesthetics into instruments of live electronics. His music style could be described as abstract noise with a rhythmic twist.
Hautamäki has performed widely live in Europe and North America. Performance venues include Lal lal lal festival in Helsinki, Ges21 in St. Petersburg, Mengi in Reykjavik, Avatar Centre in Quebec City, Electric Knife in London, Madame Claude in Berlin and Trans Pecos, CT-SWaM at Fridman Gallery in New York.
This event is curated by Kacper Ziemianin and Marcello Ghilardi.